Episode 151: Listen to your body: addressing Stress and Preventing Disease


Stress is pervasive. Unfortunately, it's not going anywhere. Certainly the majority of us are not liokely to drop out of the rat race to become monks, meditate all day, and find inner peace.

Sounds ideal - but a tad farfetched, right?

Well, worry not, because simply paying attention to your mind-body connection can do a wonder of good for your health and wellbeing.

Keeping both the mind and body strong is key to living a happier, healthier life. It's important to take into account that mental and physical health are interconnected and can impact everything from how we feel to how we show up in the world. Today we’re talking about ways your mind, body and behavior tell you when you’re stressed and what you can do about it.

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Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health & wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life.

Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.

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Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae & @kaebaybay

Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


Episode 152: Calm Your Anxious Mind with 8 Simple Grounding Techniques


Episode 150: Find Liberation & Self Confidence By Learning To Live Imperfectly