Episode 139: You Are What You Consume


We’re so excited to talk, today, about the effects of what we consume and what the choices about what we let in on a daily basis have on how we feel. We want to start by giving idea credit to listener El, who DMed us suggesting an episode about “how what you consume affects your wellness: food, opinions, exercise, ideas”.

Thank, you, El, for reaching out and for the great topic suggestion!

Soul : if you’re not nourishing your soul you may feel depressed, lethargic, apathetic, anxious, agitated, jittery, restless… not sleeping well or sleeping too much

A good place to start is to raise your personal awareness, little data collection:

monitoring your consuming habits for one week

- noting how you feel after

- noting what’s missing/lacking

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Episode 140: Take These Mindful Minutes For Yourself


Episode 138: Hacks for cultivating gratitude authentically